12 research outputs found

    Creation of Managerial Capabilities Through Managerial Knowledge Integration

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework of managerial knowledge integration and to illustrate the framework for three levels of management: front-line, middle, and top management. Based on the framework, propositions will be derived relating managerial knowledge integration with the creation of managerial capabilities and a firm's managerial competences.managerial knowledge integration;managerial capabilities and competences;levels of management

    Transition Processes Towards Internal Networks

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    As a result of many changes in the competitive landscape, knowledge has become a crucial resource of firms, which has impelled firms to change their forms of organizing. Evidence suggests that internal networks, as such an alternative form of organizing, progress to emerge to facilitate the organization and management of knowledge. Insights into how firms actually change into internal networks have been sparse, however. On the basis of three case studies conducted at Rabobank-one at the group level, one at the local member banks, and one at the business unit Spectrum-this paper furnishes this lack of inquiry with new insights. The evidence illustrates that when firms change into internal network forms of organizing, horizontal knowledge flows between subunits are facilitated.differential paces of change;internal networks;knowledge flows

    Creating the N-Form Corporation as a Managerial Competence

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    This paper discusses key properties of the N-form corporation or internal network forms of organizing from three mutually related perspectives: structure, knowledge flows and management processes. To operationalize knowledge flows, a key property of N-forms, the paper suggests a new measure, the H/V ratio, to empirically assess the configuration of knowledge flows. The argument is illustrated by a case study of a firm showing that top management's perception about having an internal network contradicts with reality as vertical knowledge flows appear to dominate the horizontal ones. The managerial competence required for creating internal networks aimed at knowledge creation and sharing will be discussed.internal networks;knowledge flows;N-form Corporation;Organizational forms;managerial competence

    Absorptive Capacity: Antecedents, Models and Outcomes

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    This chapter focuses on the gap between the speed of proliferation of theoretical and empirical contributions and the speed of accumulation of the acquired scientific knowledge regarding absorptive capacity. To contribute to narrowing this gap, we will in particular review the conceptual developments of the absorptive capacity construct. Based on the seminal contributions of Cohen & Levinthal (1989, 1990) we will provide a brief overview of the various conceptual attributes of this construct, like the definition, antecedents and consequences, and levels of analysis involved. Next, we will assess the refinements, extensions and reconceptualizations of this construct in the literature. Furthermore, from the perspective of viewing models as mediating instruments between theory and empirical phenomena (Morgan and Morrison, 1999), we will analyze efforts to build conceptual models. Finally, we will address the progress made, select key problems and we will formulate future research directions to improve the multilevel and transdisciplinary characteristics of absorptive capacity.innovation;absorptive capacity;knowledge

    Transition Processes Towards Internal Networks

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    As a result of many changes in the competitive landscape, knowledge has become a crucial resource of firms, which has impelled firms to change their forms of organizing. Evidence suggests that internal networks, as such an alternative form of organizing, progress to emerge to facilitate the organization and management of knowledge. Insights into how firms actually change into internal networks have been sparse, however. On the basis of three case studies conducted at Rabobank-one at the group level, one at the local member banks, and one at the business unit Spectrum-this paper furnishes this lack of inquiry with new insights. The evidence illustrates that when firms change into internal network forms of organizing, horizontal knowledge flows between subunits are facilitated

    De ontwikkeling van interne netwerken als een duurzame kenniscreatie strategie

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    Op basis van een theoretische analyse en empirisch onderzoek analyseren de auteurs het transitieproces van bestaande organisatievormen naar interne netwerkvormen. Dit geschiedt vanuit drie complementaire perspectieven: organisatiestructuur, managementprocessen en kennisstromen. Na een beknopt overzicht van de literatuur wordt middels een longitudinale casestudie zo’n transitieproces nader onderzocht. Er worden aandachtspunten voor het management geformuleerd voor het implementeren van een duurzame kenniscreatiestrategie

    Creation of Managerial Capabilities Through Managerial Knowledge Integration

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework of managerial knowledge integration and to illustrate the framework for three levels of management: front-line, middle, and top management. Based on the framework, propositions will be derived relating managerial knowledge integration with the creation of managerial capabilities and a firm's managerial competences

    Creating the N-Form Corporation as a Managerial Competence

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    This paper discusses key properties of the N-form corporation or internal network forms of organizing from three mutually related perspectives: structure, knowledge flows and management processes. To operationalize knowledge flows, a key property of N-forms, the paper suggests a new measure, the H/V ratio, to empirically assess the configuration of knowledge flows. The argument is illustrated by a case study of a firm showing that top management's perception about having an internal network contradicts with reality as vertical knowledge flows appear to dominate the horizontal ones. The managerial competence required for creating internal networks aimed at knowledge creation and sharing will be discussed

    Interne netwerken en intraorganisationele kennisdeling

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    Zowel in de managementpraktijk als in de theorievorming is sprake van grote belangstelling voor interne netwerken en hun betekenis voor intraorganisationele kenniscreatie en -verspreiding. Empirisch onderzoek hiernaar is evenwel schaars. Dit artikel gaat aan de hand van de literatuur beknopt in op de relatie tussen horizontale en verticale kennisstromen in interne netwerken en stelt ter indicatie van de mate van interne netwerkvorming de H/Vratio voor. Middels een exploratief empirisch onderzoek wordt een en ander toegelicht

    Absorptive Capacity: Antecedents, Models and Outcomes

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    This chapter focuses on the gap between the speed of proliferation of theoretical and empirical contributions and the speed of accumulation of the acquired scientific knowledge regarding absorptive capacity. To contribute to narrowing this gap, we will in particular review the conceptual developments of the absorptive capacity construct. Based on the seminal contributions of Cohen & Levinthal (1989, 1990) we will provide a brief overview of the various conceptual attributes of this construct, like the definition, antecedents and consequences, and levels of analysis involved. Next, we will assess the refinements, extensions and reconceptualizations of this construct in the literature. Furthermore, from the perspective of viewing models as mediating instruments between theory and empirical phenomena (Morgan and Morrison, 1999), we will analyze efforts to build conceptual models. Finally, we will address the progress made, select key problems and we will formulate future research directions to improve the multilevel and transdisciplinary characteristics of absorptive capacity